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- 海关总署公告2017年第6
作者:巨东物流 | 发布时间:2021-11-05 11:22 | 来源:物流资讯 关注量:
11月1日,巨额罚款明确实施当天,美西Tacoma(塔科马)港所属两个集装箱码头:Washington United Terminals(塔科马-华盛顿联合集装箱码头)和Husky Terminal(塔科马-赫斯基集装箱码头),纷纷宣布收取码头滞留集装箱附加费!
塔科马WUT码头(Washington United Terminals)发布公告
This past year has been a difficult one for all. Despite our best efforts, the local import container dwell at WUT has continued to increase which has directly impacted our operations and terminal fluidity.
The increased dwell has also caused additional yard rehandling and the need to constantly restock the RTG delivery rows.
WUT has made every effort to make and keep cargo available for pick up, but unfortunately the long dwell containers are making this extremely difficult.
Effective November 15th, 2021, all local import units that have exceeded 15 calendar days on terminal will incur a $310 Long Stay Rehandling Fee.
Units will be placed on hold and payment will be due prior to making an appointment. Payments will be a manual process to begin with and will require payment via check or wire transfer but will eventually be made through eModal.
This action is designed to encourage the rapid movement of local import containers.
WUT urges customers to pick up high dwelling units before the inception date to avoid the additional fee.
塔科马-赫斯基集装箱码头(Tacoma'sHusky Terminal)发布公告
Effective November 1", 2021,all local import units that have exceeded 15 calendar days on the terminal will incur a $315 Long Stay Rehandling Charge. Payment will be due prior to release and payable through our online portal or CargoSprint.